Old Timer Is
Yanked Away From A Musical
By Norris Chambers
Way back when I was in about
the fifth grade and about the same time I got my first typewriter I got my
first banjo. It was a cheapie from a junk store in town and cost a whole
two dollars. I had wanted a musical instrument for quite a while and a
banjo was on the top of the list because my dad said he played one when he
was a youngster. He still knew a few old favorite tunes like Leather Britches and Get Along Home Cindy.
In a few days I had learned to pick out some tunes from the records
we had for our old wind-up phonograph. My first one was Papa’s Billy Goat, then came Golden Slippers, Wreck of the Old 97, Little Brown Jug and a few others
of that caliber. I guess my biggest mistake was thinking that I was a
singer. I sang all of these old songs with good volume. I suspect that the
quality of the sound was not top notch but
?>ml:namespace prefix = st1 ns =
"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Clifton and a few
others thought it was great. Clifton even began to talk of getting a
Our school had a student assembly upstairs in the auditorium every
Monday morning and the program presentation was assigned to a different
teacher each week. When our teacher, Miss Nunnaly, was given the job she
began to see what our room could offer in the way of entertainment.
Entertainment usually consisted of someone reciting a poem, a piano
student playing a recently learned composition, a talented harmonica
player, a singing group or a short play enacted by a few ambitious
students. Noble Whitfield was a good harmonica player and he readily
volunteered to do a couple of songs, Connie was taking piano lessons and
she was anxious to show her progress, Sally was into acrobatics and she
wanted to do a few stunts on the stage and Nedra was taking a private
class called “expression” and was very willing to do her rendition of a
poem. Clifton and another boy kept telling me
to do some banjo playing. Clifton even spoke out loud to the
“Miss Nunnaly,” he said, “Norris plays the banjo real good! We
ought to get him up there!”
She asked me if I would be on the program. I agreed to do it but
soon began to wonder if I had made a good choice. I worried about it the
whole week-end and when Monday morning dawned bright and clear I carried
my old banjo to school. Everybody stared and pointed as I walked across
the school yard and into our room. I stood the musical instrument in a
corner. It was a real curiosity and students in all three grades had to go
by and examine it. Some even went so far as to plunk on the strings.
Soon we marched up the stairs to the auditorium and we performers
went to the little room behind the stage while everyone else seated
themselves in the large viewing area. After three or four acts it became
time for me to perform. I took my old long necked banjo and strolled out
on the stage. There was immediate applause from the audience. This was the
first time a banjo player had presented himself as an entertainer With my
loud raspy voice I sang Papa’s
Billy Goat. I finished and bowed politely.
Again the applause was tremendous. This gave me confidence and I quickly
came back with another old time song.
My confidence kept rising and I almost imagined myself a great
singer. I kept returning with an encore. After about the fifth number
while presenting my crowd-pleasing bow I felt someone grasp me by the arm
and lead me off the stage. I wasn’t led to the back room, but right down
the three steps into the auditorium. The program stopper was my
My sister was a first grade teacher there and she had endured all
she could tolerate of my singing debut. “That is enough,” she said. I
meekly found a seat and sat down, holding my banjo.
The applause I got when
being taken off the stage was even louder than that I had received while
performing. I guess I was embarrassed but I’m sure I didn’t feel as bad
about it as she did.
Looking back now I can see how she must have felt seeing her little
brother make such a fool of himself before the whole school. She probably
should have removed me sooner.
And what hurt me just as bad, or even a little worse, was what Carl
said to me at recess.
“Norris, we just kept applauding you back so we wouldn’t have to go
back to classes!”
I have thought about this
episode for many years and have tried hard to determine if there was any
fun in it. Remind me to tell you about the time our band, the Jolly Farm
Boys, played over the radio station in Brady – they liked us there. They
liked us over the Dublin station and a couple of us did all
right over a Mexican station.
Maybe this first experience was what musicians refer to as “Paying
your dues!” I guess it was FUN! |